happy earth day!
Happy Earth Day, everyone!!!
Go out today and do something good for the environment!!
And then keep doing it for the rest of the year…and the rest of your life…so that all of our children, and their children, and so on, will be able to experience all the beauty the earth has to offer! 🙂
Also, vote for me in the Spoonflower Fabric of the Week contest! The theme is “pop art chickens”…what could be more appropriate for my artwork?!
All you have to do is click on this link, scroll through the designs, which are in random order, find mine (pop chicken by lisakarenward – see photo), click on it, flip through to the end of the entries, type in the captcha, review your selection, and hit submit. Easy! And it appears that you may vote multiple times.
The deadline is this Wednesday, April 24th!
Thanks in advance for your help! 🙂