My artistic 10 year old

blue, gray and purple watercolor abstract by arty addie

blue, gray and purple watercolor abstract by arty addie

So my ten year old fancies herself a budding artist! And she is! My Mom encourages this, as she did with me when I was little, by providing her with ample access to various art and sewing supplies in her studio whenever she visits. My daughter spends every Monday afternoon, which is early release from school day, at her grandmother’s house. First she gets her homework done, and then it is art project time!

Here is one of this week’s creations…

Black Trees

mixed media, watercolor and black ink, by arty addie

This one is her personal favorite, if she does say so herself!

I encourage it also of course, along with entrepreneurship, self-reliance, and knowing the value of money, by helping her set up an Etsy Shop where she can showcase and sell all of her art projects.  This past holiday season, she made enough money with the sale of her felt Christmas tree ornaments, along with a little bit of gift money, to buy herself an iPad mini! That’s AFTER expenses…felt, thread, buttons, packing, shipping and Etsy fees…which I made her pay every dime of.

These two original paintings are for sale in her shop, just $15, matted in white for a final size of 11×14 inches and enclosed in a vinyl sleeve.

I am a proud mama! Smile

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